Ron Blankert is the president and sole owner of B. J. PLASTERING & CONSULTANTS LTD. This company is the result of four generations of plasterers. Mr. Bernardus Jacobus (BJ) Blankert learned his European trade under the apprenticeship of his father and grandfather in Holland. After moving to Canada is 1956 he continued the family trade and began to pass on the talent to his son. Ronald now continues this long lasting family business and professional tradition.
B. J. PLASTERING & CONSULTANTS LTD. was incorporated Sept. 2000. Prior to this B. J. PLASTERING & CONSULTANTS LTD. was a sole proprietorship started in 1998.
B. J. Plastering is fully bonded and insured and has quality-experienced crews available to start immediately.
Services we are able to provide include:
Please keep us in mind for any projects you may have.